
District Level Science Exhibition Guntur district / Science Fair Tenali Guntur district

Science Exhibition was held in Tenali,Guntur district on 2-12-2011  little scientists were participated from U.P/High Schools in Guntur district with their innovations.Most of the exhibited items showed the importance of saving energy conserving water, use of solar energy and wind energy, solid waste management, rainwater harvesting,Geothermal energy railway automatic signal models, air humidity measuring equipment, emergency lights, Periscope, cotton purifier, power saver, burglar alarm, solar stove, solar water heater,Fire Alarm,Metal detector,Global Warming,Garbage,Magnetic Crane,Global Positioning,fluoride Problem,Automatic Lights were some of the models that were displayed on the occasion.

 Vidya Vygnanica Pradarshana Science Fair District Level

 Crowd at science fair Tenali 

Crowd at science fair Tenali

 Geothermal Power Plant

 Automatic railway signaling system

 Water from air

 Harmful effects of junk food 

 Human body display

 Newton's cradle 

 Crowd at science fair

 Lord Shiva at Exhibition

 Human teeth

 Magnetic effect

 Simple motor

 Nuclear reactor model


 Strong, weak acid / strong, weak base


 Natural colors


 Lemon battery


Colorful house
Tidal Energy 
Current from wastematerial 
Glycerin preparation
Geothermal Energy